Dear Landon,
Today is your third birthday!! When you first woke up this morning and came into the kitchen, I was so excited to see you. I said, "Good morning, Landy!! Its your birthday! Happy Birthday!! Now you're 3!" I guess you weren't quite ready for such exuberance because you took off running back to your bed. After you had another 10 minutes, you were awake and excited about your birthday! You were also excited about going to church (you always are) and to see your Sunday School teachers. They were waiting for you, and they even brought cupcakes to celebrate with you! After church, Mr. Rusty and Mrs. Megan came over to share lunch while you got to eat off the special birthday plate.
You have changed so much over this past year!! Your speech is so much better that its unbelievable!! It makes my heart so happy to be able to understand the things you are saying to me, and you get much less frustrated over our lack of communication. Sometimes, you still say things the wrong way because you think its funny. :) You can say "school bus" but you think its a funny joke to say "pool buf" because thats how you used to say it. You are very expressive. You are a good brother to Ayden and Camden. You and Camden are still learning how to play together, but you are so sweet to him a lot of times. You love to play with your trains and cars and airplanes and blocks and dinosaurs and your Woody and Bullseye that you got for Christmas. You love to watch Thomas, Cars, Toy Story 3, and Despicable Me. You are still an outside boy and now that the weather is warmer again you spend lots of time playing in the backyard. You've just discovered the wonder of sidewalk chalk and you have plastered the patio with rainbows, cars, and trains. As soon as you finish your masterpiece, you always come running and say, "Mama, tome wook at my ...." You get so excited over it. You still have such a huge smile. When you were tiny, your Aunt Betty used to say that when you smile at someone, you make them feel like the only person in the room. Its still that way. You grin so big and your eyes light up, and when you get really excited you hold your hands together in fists in front of your chin and shake them back and forth.
You are also growing....finally!! You have gained several pounds in the last few months, and I do believe that you are even getting taller. As we walked into church today I noticed that your jeans were getting a litle short. We might have to bump up a size soon.
My sweet Landy-boy, where has the time gone that you are already three years old?! You are so very precious to me and to your daddy. We pray that you would grow up to love and serve Jesus and that you will be passionate about Him. You already love to sing about Jesus. You sing, "Jesus Loves Me," and "God's Green Earth is Not Just Green," and when you finish, you clap your hands and say, "Yay!! Jesus!" It makes Jesus' heart happy when you sing to Him. Did you know that? He loves you sooooo much - even more than mama and daddy. I hope you always sing to Him!!!
I can't wait to see what this year holds for us!!! I love you, sweet boy!!
p.s. Potty training starts tomorrow! :)