It was lunchtime in the Ball house. Being the great mother (ha!) that I am, I made the boys spaghetti. Its one of their favorites to eat and one of my least favorites to clean up. They chowed down like normal, each eating 3 servings. Ayden had already finished and was off to play, and Landon and Camden were being good and had everything they needed, so I ducked into the office to eat in solitude and return a couple of emails.As I ate, I heard Landon and Camden talking back and forth. They were being so sweet to each other. I could here Landon saying, "Here, Tamben." And then Camdens, "Tank oo," in return. I thought to myself that I really enjoy when they enjoy each other. During this dialogue, I heard the dryer click off. I got up to switch loads and as I rounded the corner into the kitchen, this is what I saw:
The little punks. Here, I thought they were just being sweet because they love each other. Ha!! They were being sweet because they were causing trouble together. Don't get me wrong, they do love each other....but, seriously?? Gross. The pictures don't even show just how nasty their mess was. I spent the next 20 min. cleaning it up, and I'm pretty sure their clothes will never be the same.As I fumed and grumbled and complained and cleaned, the Lord reminded me of His sense of humor. All of the sudden, I think of the song:
"You're gonna miss this,
you're gonna want this back,
you're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast,
these are some good times,
so take a good look around
you may not know it now,
but you're gonna miss this."