Friday, March 5, 2010

Landon Is Two!!

Dear Landon,

Today you are two years old. I can't believe how fast the time has flown by!! What a big boy you are...and so precious with big blue eyes and a smile that melts my heart and lights up the room. You have had a hard year. You went from being the baby to a big brother....even though you were still a baby yourself. And, we moved to Florida and rocked your little world. You have handled it remarkably well, though. Most of the time, you are a really good big brother to Camden. You share your toys with him and give him kisses. Sometimes you push him down or take something away, but you always tell him, "sowee" and give him a kiss. You love your big brother Ayden and mimic everything he does. Sometimes that's a good thing, and sometimes....not so much. There are days when the two of you fight like cats and dogs, but most days you play together so well. I love watching you play together. You race your cars next to each other or drive your trains around together. Sometimes you chase each other and both laugh and giggle the whole time. You adore your Daddy and come running when he gets home. He likes to fold you up into a little ball and say, "Where's Landon?" and you giggle from inside the ball and laugh when he lets go and says, "There he is!" You love to cuddle with daddy and me, especially when you first wake up in the mornings and after your naps. You have been in a big boy bed for the last several weeks and you are slowly getting the concept that you have to stay in it and go to sleep. If only you knew how much I'd love to laugh when I see you up with cowboy boots on and riding on the rocking horse. As soon as you see me or daddy, you run back to your bed as fast as your little legs will carry you. Speaking of little legs...yours are...along with the rest of you. You only weigh about 22.5 pounds, which is crazy because most days you eat like a horse. I guess you just burn it all off... But, I think you are perfect and I wouldn't change you for anything! Your words have started becoming a lot more understandable the last few months. Some new words are "me mem" (yes ma'am), "shesh shir" (yes sir), "ha ha" (hot, hot), "d'er y ahh" (there you are), "d'er" (there), and "sowee" (sorry). You love to play with cars and Thomas trains and Buzz Lightyear and things that make noise. You carry a little toy microphone around and sing your version of "Jesus Loves Me." Mostly its just "Je-us" but I still think its cute!! When you feel bad, your eyes are a darker blue. When you are upset or don't want something you grunt and turn your head away. You are strong willed and stubborn, but everyone that knows you loves you. I am so excited to see the young man that you will grow up to be. I know God has such great things in store for you. You love people and I think that God will use that to help you reach people as you get older. Did you know that God has a plan, just for you? A plan that only Landon Ryan Ball can fulfill? Something just perfect for you! He loves you so much!! Even more than mommy and daddy, and we love you so much our hearts might burst! He loves you so much that He sent His son to make a way for you to live in heaven with Him one day. He has engraved you on the palm of His hand! I know you don't understand all of that right now, but one day you will...and you will rejoice in His love! But, for now, I want you to enjoy being two. This year I hope we can get you potty trained. I'm excited to see all of the new things you will learn in the next year. You are a sweet little man and I hope you have a very happy birthday! Now, lets get to the park, break out the Thomas decorations, grill some hot dogs, open some presents, eat some cupcakes, and, most importantly, celebrate YOU!!

I love you Landy!!



  1. Cassie,
    I don't know you all that well but I love reading your blog. This blog about Landon is so sweet and touching. It made me think back to my own children who are now 12 and 15. I'm glad you are cherishing every moment with your boys. How time does fly....
    Much love to you and your family.

  2. Thanks, Amey! They do grow up so fast!!
