Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Boys Are Gross!

Why does Camden insist on digging through the trash can like a dog? His two favorite garbage snacks? Licking empty yogurt cups and eating lint from the dryer. Ewww.

Why does Ayden think its cool to imitate every bodily function his daddy does? Sick.

Why does Landon think its cruel and unusual punishment to have his diaper changed? Seriously.

Why do all three of the boys rub things in their hair, dig in the dirt, eat crumbs from the floor, pick their noses, and want to touch me with those same germ infested, totally grody hands?

Why? Because boys are gross.

But, they're all mine. And their hugs, kisses, and I love yous make it all worth it.

As long as they don't touch my mouth with those nasty hands.

I'm kidding. Maybe.

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