A friend loves at all times.... Prov. 17:17a
Friends. I have struggled in the area of friendship for most of my life. I would have some great friends for a few years, but then, for various reasons, we went our separate ways. Maybe we no longer had classes together. Maybe we were no longer interested in the same things. Maybe our lives went in different directions. Maybe one or both of us moved. Whatever the reason, friends have been something that have come and gone in my life; yet something that I so deeply desired was deep, lasting, meaningful friendships.
Throughout my married years (which also, coincidentally, includes all of my adult years), the Lord has taught me many lessons about friendship. What it means to be a good friend. What it means to have good friends. The importance of having Christ as the center of a friendship. Even the fact that its okay to have a small group of close friends.
I have come to understand how blessed I am with friends. When Jesse and I sensed God's call to pack up our family and move 1,000 miles away from everyone and everything we knew, I was terrified that I would never again have friends. But, I do. Lots of them and all to His glory.
One of them I call my Mama. We have always been close and for the most part, even avoided all the typical pitfalls common to mother-daughter relationships during the teenage years. But, as I have become a wife and a mom, our bond has strengthened. She is the person I know I can talk to about anything and know that she is praying and will give Godly advice...in addition to just listening. And, in some crazy way, I think being so far away has given us even a new appreciation for each other...that our time together is more precious and not to be taken for granted.
Two of them I call sisters. I remember thinking as a teenager that Heather and I would always love each other - because we had to, but we would probably NEVER like each other. In my eyes, she always copied everything I did, had to go everywhere I went, and would always be the one to get me in trouble. In her eyes, I'm sure she saw me for the bossy and selfish girl I was prone to be. But, we DID get over all that and we DO like each other. We even cry when we say good-bye!! :) We enjoy each other's company now and look forward to spending time together and with our sister Katie. Katie was always my little baby doll. Since I was seven years older, she thought I rocked and I could dress her pretty much any way I wanted. Now, I look to her for advice on what to wear and what goes together. She's still my baby sister, but she's now fully adult. I love her and her tender heart.
I have three friends that are sisters of my heart. They grabbed me the minute I set foot in Jacksonville and have been there with me and for me every step of the way. They have laughed and cried with me, encouraged and prayed for me, and been, truly, my sisters away from home. I know to expect a text (or 3) when I am leaving MO, letting me know that they are praying for my good-byes to family. I can expect a hug the moment they see me and hear from them how much my family in Florida has missed me. They love my children just like their own nephews (and nieces soon). They have rejoiced with me and they have mourned with me, and I thank the Lord that he placed them in my life so that the burden of being so far from home will be a little lighter.
Then there is the sweet young couple who have been and done everything we've needed them to since we've lived in Jacksonville. They have watched our boys, hung out with us, supported our ministry, and even gave me a special gift for Christmas this year of redoing my living room while we were gone. The crazy part is, I think they even enjoy it all! They are precious to us and another answer to prayer.
There are others who have stepped into our lives and loved us. Each of them are so special to us and make life away from family not just a countdown to the next visit, but a life - with ups and downs and twists and turns and the unforeseen and the planned and busyness and play time.
And I just wanted to say thank you.
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