Jesse made a statement to me today, and I can't get it out of my head.
"Its amazing how few people really believe in the sanctity of marriage, no matter what."
We were so young when we got married. So very young. And immature. We didn't have a clue what we were getting into. Thank goodness we had wise and grounded believers around us to invest in us and give us wise counsel.
There are a few things we learned during our premarital counseling that have really stuck with us through the years. Mainly about conflict. I remember learning how to "fight fair" and not bring up a list of grievances from the past but to focus on the issue at hand. Not to use phrases like "you always ___" or "you never ___." We may not have a perfect record with it, but 11 1/2 years later, we still remember and do our best to be fair.
The other thing was this: Never, ever, no matter what, use the word "divorce."
We made the decision before we ever said "I do" that divorce would not be an option for us. Never. Ever. No matter what. We are committed to this thing. In it together. Forever. It's kind of a big deal.
And, boy, has it ever been worth the commitment. My 19-year-old-getting-ready-to-walk-down-the-aisle-to-marry-my-hot-high-school-sweetheart-self could have never known just how much work marriage is. Or how rewarding. At our wedding, I remember one sweet couple hugging us and saying, "This first year will be great. But, it will also be the worst year of your marriage. Because, every single year just gets better than the last." Profoundly true, my friends. I am so much more in love with Jesse than I was the day I married him. I loved him, then. But, after all that we have shared, its a deeper and more appreciative and a more thankful love than ever before.
Today, as we struggle with heavy hearts for those fellow believers around us that want to just give up and walk away, I feel like God spoke to my heart.
Marriage is meant to be the ultimate representation of God's covenant love and relationship with us. When Christians so easily walk away from their covenant with their spouse, how can we expect the world around us to see Jesus?
Why aren't we willing to fight for our spouse? Why do we take the easy way out? Why do we throw away those we once claimed to love? We make up excuses, we blame, we hide, we accuse, we try to justify.
In Malachi 2:15, God tells us not to break faith "with the wife of your youth." When we take our vows, we don't say "for better or worse....or until you hurt me too deeply or make it too hard or I find someone I like more" Its supposed to be sacred. Holy. Set apart.
In Mark 10 when the Pharisees tested Jesus and asked if it was lawful for men to divorce, Jesus challenged them right back. He already knew Moses had commanded that divorce was sometimes permissible. But, Jesus said in verse 5: "It was because your hearts were hard that Moses wrote you this law."
A marriage between believers is a picture of Jesus (the bridegroom) and the Church (the bride). We should hold it sacred. Jesus doesn't throw us away because we've sinned too much or messed up one too many times. Jesus doesn't work that way. Jesus is a perfect example of a 1 Corinthians 13 kind of love. And Jesus should be our standard...not the world or even other believers around us - because Jesus is the only perfect one.
God has used these verses to work deeply in my heart in the last year and a half: Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children, and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 4:32-5:2
I guess the message on my heart today is this: When the going gets tough, fight for your marriage. Be kind. Compassionate. Forgiving. Imitate God. Live a life of love. You won't regret it in the end. In fact, it will be more than worth it. Go ahead, give it a try.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Camden's 4th Birthday
Dear Camden,
Four years old already!! Can you believe it?! You have been counting down for weeks, even though you don't totally understand the concept of tracking time. What an addition you have been to our family!! There were times when I wasn't sure either one of us was going to survive the 2s and 3s, but here we are at a brand new year!!
Over the last year, we've moved (twice); you've learned about our loss and heaven's gain; you've learned to write your name, circles, squares, triangles, and few other letters; have started to learn to use scissors; can put on your own shoes; can count to 20 every time and 30 sometimes. You continue to use words well, sometimes to your own detriment. If I've said it once, I've said a thousand times that its a good thing your funny. Its seriously your saving grace sometimes, but its also my favorite quality about you.
You are a good brother. Landon is your buddy and you have missed him being gone to preschool this year. Sometimes you play well together and other times you fight like crazy, but I know you love each other. You are the same with Ayden and Laney Kate. Yesterday you were trying to wrestle with Laney Kate just like you do your brothers, and thats not even close to the first time you've been too rough with her. But, if she is crying, you are always quick to sing to her. And she stops. Every.single.time. You always start with "Jesus Loves Me" and then if she needs more you add in "My God is So Big" or "Who is the King of the Jungle?" or "Jesus Loves the Little Children" or sometimes you sing them all. But, she always stops - at least while your singing.
You love a good laugh. Sometimes you get your laughs by picking at and pestering people, or sometimes you tell jokes, but most times you're just Camden. The things you say make me laugh every day. Your four-year-old sense of logic cracks me up and the questions you come up with blow my mind.
Your most favorite thing to play, for the moment, is superheroes. You and your brothers put on your costumes every day and run around the house staging battle after battle. You love to be Batman and chose a Batman birthday party. But, you also like to be Iron Man, SpiderMan, and Bumblebee. You'll come out in your Batman costume and ask if I know who you are - and then you'll rip off the mask and ask who you are THEN. From Batman to Bruce Wayne or Iron Man to Tony Stark or SpiderMan to Peter Parker. I think you and your brothers (and Daddy, too) know everything about every superhero and supervillan under the sun. I just smile and nod a lot. ;)
You love having your cousins so close, but you miss our friends and family in Jacksonville (and you like to remind us that your brothers were born in MO, but you and Laney were born in Jax). When we mention Rylee and Caleb, you still sometimes get that turned around with Caleb and Luke and you ask why Mrs. Ash-a-lee's house and Mr. Johnny's house and Aunt Le-lanne's house and Miss Kelly's house and Miss Megan's house are so far away??
You still sleep almost every night with your night-night, and you still suck your thumb at bedtime a lot, but not every day like you used to. You are also starting to outgrow your afternoon nap, but Momma is hanging on to that for as long as I can. The only thing we've established in that regard so far is that when your 7 like, Ayden you won't have to take naps anymore.
You are a good helper, especially when its just you and me. You don't like to clean up on your own, but if I help you, you hop to it. And, you love to be in the kitchen with me, watching and/or helping me cook. But you think we need to get a boy apron for you to wear like Grammy has.
In the fall, you and I are going to be doing preschool at home, and we are both getting pretty excited about it. I'm looking forward to one more year at home with you before you go to school. Its fun to get to plan themes that I know you'll enjoy.
You have learned so much this last year and you have grown so much. You really are a good, big boy. I love you so much, Camden Isaiah. My prayer for you this year is that you will always love church as much as you do now, that you will learn and grow and have a passion for Jesus, that you will always have a tender heart under your tough exterior, and that I will cherish this time with you.
Happy Birthday, Cams!!
Four years old already!! Can you believe it?! You have been counting down for weeks, even though you don't totally understand the concept of tracking time. What an addition you have been to our family!! There were times when I wasn't sure either one of us was going to survive the 2s and 3s, but here we are at a brand new year!!
Over the last year, we've moved (twice); you've learned about our loss and heaven's gain; you've learned to write your name, circles, squares, triangles, and few other letters; have started to learn to use scissors; can put on your own shoes; can count to 20 every time and 30 sometimes. You continue to use words well, sometimes to your own detriment. If I've said it once, I've said a thousand times that its a good thing your funny. Its seriously your saving grace sometimes, but its also my favorite quality about you.
You are a good brother. Landon is your buddy and you have missed him being gone to preschool this year. Sometimes you play well together and other times you fight like crazy, but I know you love each other. You are the same with Ayden and Laney Kate. Yesterday you were trying to wrestle with Laney Kate just like you do your brothers, and thats not even close to the first time you've been too rough with her. But, if she is crying, you are always quick to sing to her. And she stops. Every.single.time. You always start with "Jesus Loves Me" and then if she needs more you add in "My God is So Big" or "Who is the King of the Jungle?" or "Jesus Loves the Little Children" or sometimes you sing them all. But, she always stops - at least while your singing.
You love a good laugh. Sometimes you get your laughs by picking at and pestering people, or sometimes you tell jokes, but most times you're just Camden. The things you say make me laugh every day. Your four-year-old sense of logic cracks me up and the questions you come up with blow my mind.
Your most favorite thing to play, for the moment, is superheroes. You and your brothers put on your costumes every day and run around the house staging battle after battle. You love to be Batman and chose a Batman birthday party. But, you also like to be Iron Man, SpiderMan, and Bumblebee. You'll come out in your Batman costume and ask if I know who you are - and then you'll rip off the mask and ask who you are THEN. From Batman to Bruce Wayne or Iron Man to Tony Stark or SpiderMan to Peter Parker. I think you and your brothers (and Daddy, too) know everything about every superhero and supervillan under the sun. I just smile and nod a lot. ;)
You love having your cousins so close, but you miss our friends and family in Jacksonville (and you like to remind us that your brothers were born in MO, but you and Laney were born in Jax). When we mention Rylee and Caleb, you still sometimes get that turned around with Caleb and Luke and you ask why Mrs. Ash-a-lee's house and Mr. Johnny's house and Aunt Le-lanne's house and Miss Kelly's house and Miss Megan's house are so far away??
You still sleep almost every night with your night-night, and you still suck your thumb at bedtime a lot, but not every day like you used to. You are also starting to outgrow your afternoon nap, but Momma is hanging on to that for as long as I can. The only thing we've established in that regard so far is that when your 7 like, Ayden you won't have to take naps anymore.
You are a good helper, especially when its just you and me. You don't like to clean up on your own, but if I help you, you hop to it. And, you love to be in the kitchen with me, watching and/or helping me cook. But you think we need to get a boy apron for you to wear like Grammy has.
In the fall, you and I are going to be doing preschool at home, and we are both getting pretty excited about it. I'm looking forward to one more year at home with you before you go to school. Its fun to get to plan themes that I know you'll enjoy.
You have learned so much this last year and you have grown so much. You really are a good, big boy. I love you so much, Camden Isaiah. My prayer for you this year is that you will always love church as much as you do now, that you will learn and grow and have a passion for Jesus, that you will always have a tender heart under your tough exterior, and that I will cherish this time with you.
Happy Birthday, Cams!!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
That one time when I got locked out of the car...
Have you ever had one of those parenting moments when you realized you were one of those parents? You know, the ones who are irresponsible? The ones who you secretly cackle at and console yourself when you have an oops moment, because at least you didn't do the same thing they did.
Nope? Just me? Well, anyway.
A few months ago we had the pleasure of hosting some of our best friends as they visited from Jacksonville. Jesse and Rusty had been working off and on during the week on a new apothecary table for us to use as an entertainment center. {Thank you, Pinterest, for introducing me to and her wide array of "easy" to follow plans for countless pieces of furniture that I'm pretty much in love with and convinced I need. My husband thanks you from the very bottom of his heart. No lie.}
So, they needed a few accessory pieces for the table and Megan and I wanted to do some shopping anyway, so we added Lowe's to our list of places to stop. We had agreed: Megan and I would take Laney Kate and Jesse and Rusty were on Ball Boy duty. Great plan, right? Only those who've experienced the pleasure of going to town {yep, we have to go to town 'round here} with the Ball Boys will fully appreciate NOT going to town with the Ball Boys. They hate to shop. They are hard to wrangle. They want new toys. They aren't usually bad but I already get enough of "Oh, wow, you have your hands full" comments from strangers anyway. But, I digress.
Jesse and Rusty argued that it was only fair to divide the Ball kiddos equally. Cassie and Megan take 2 and Jesse and Rusty keep 2. We ended up with Camden and Laney Kate. {Insert: this is really just a set up for me to say this was all Jesse's fault. ;)} So, off to our first stop at Lowe's.
On the way to Lowe's Megan and I heard the muffler come apart on our Suburban. Its not a super big deal, but causes it to be loud and we don't want the stray (piece? part?) to get caught on anything, so we just have to pop it back together. I wasn't sure if it would be hot after driving, so I told Megan we'd do our shopping and then fix it before we left the store.
I was thrilled to find the items I needed on clearance in Lowe's. But, Camden was, um...a bit of a pill in the store. When we got to the car, he was in need of some discipline. So, I opened the driver's side door and put my things down so my hands would be free to dole out said discipline. Then I told Camden to get in his carseat and get buckled. You should know that he rarely obeys this directive on the first time, but this time he did.
I got Laney Kate in her carseat, shut the door and proceeded to try to fix the muffler. It was a little harder than I thought and I *might* have had to stop Megan from crawling her pregnant self UNDER our car. But a few minutes and several giggles later, voila.
I went around to my side and pulled the door handle. Locked. With my keys laying in the front seat and two children buckled into their carseats. Oh, and my cell phone was laying next to the keys. Crap. Apparently, during the discipline sesh, Cams accidentally hit the locks with his flailing arms. Go figure.
"Camden," I yelled through the door. "Try to get unbuckled and come open the door for me." He tried and tried and tried....and then tried some more. He can get himself buckled, but he can't undo it. After trying and failing lots of times he gave up and started crying. Megan and I are both standing with our faces pressed to the window and talking into the car, and we are getting questions like, "Are you locked out?" {Um, just for the record, I will not be asking anyone that question in the future.}
Finally, some guy came over to try and help us. He said sometimes the keys from the same manufacturer will work. But, of course it didn't work for us. That would have been too easy. So, we calls the police for us. Yes, the police. And they sent the firemen.
Yes, the fireman. You know, the ones in the small, inconspicuous truck? The one that doesn't have sirens and lights? You know...except the exact opposite of all that. In the middle of the Lowe's parking lot and with a crowd gathered around. It took them for-e-ver to get it unlocked. They tried the driver's side door, then the passenger's side door, then back to the driver's side door before it finally unlocked. Oh, but then the car alarm went off. Seriously, there was no escaping the humiliation.
At least they were nice about it. And, thankfully, they didn't ask for my name and address to turn me in for child abuse or neglect. So, thats a plus.
Once they were done, Megan and I got the heck out of dodge in a hurry. Once we were away, I was able to laugh. BUT, you better believe that I called Jesse to tell him all about what HIS son had done. He just laughed in a a way that said, "Better you than me." Mmmhmm. Megan told me that the story needed to be a blog, so here ya go, Meg. This one's for you!! :)
Nope? Just me? Well, anyway.
A few months ago we had the pleasure of hosting some of our best friends as they visited from Jacksonville. Jesse and Rusty had been working off and on during the week on a new apothecary table for us to use as an entertainment center. {Thank you, Pinterest, for introducing me to and her wide array of "easy" to follow plans for countless pieces of furniture that I'm pretty much in love with and convinced I need. My husband thanks you from the very bottom of his heart. No lie.}
So, they needed a few accessory pieces for the table and Megan and I wanted to do some shopping anyway, so we added Lowe's to our list of places to stop. We had agreed: Megan and I would take Laney Kate and Jesse and Rusty were on Ball Boy duty. Great plan, right? Only those who've experienced the pleasure of going to town {yep, we have to go to town 'round here} with the Ball Boys will fully appreciate NOT going to town with the Ball Boys. They hate to shop. They are hard to wrangle. They want new toys. They aren't usually bad but I already get enough of "Oh, wow, you have your hands full" comments from strangers anyway. But, I digress.
Jesse and Rusty argued that it was only fair to divide the Ball kiddos equally. Cassie and Megan take 2 and Jesse and Rusty keep 2. We ended up with Camden and Laney Kate. {Insert: this is really just a set up for me to say this was all Jesse's fault. ;)} So, off to our first stop at Lowe's.
On the way to Lowe's Megan and I heard the muffler come apart on our Suburban. Its not a super big deal, but causes it to be loud and we don't want the stray (piece? part?) to get caught on anything, so we just have to pop it back together. I wasn't sure if it would be hot after driving, so I told Megan we'd do our shopping and then fix it before we left the store.
I was thrilled to find the items I needed on clearance in Lowe's. But, Camden was, um...a bit of a pill in the store. When we got to the car, he was in need of some discipline. So, I opened the driver's side door and put my things down so my hands would be free to dole out said discipline. Then I told Camden to get in his carseat and get buckled. You should know that he rarely obeys this directive on the first time, but this time he did.
I got Laney Kate in her carseat, shut the door and proceeded to try to fix the muffler. It was a little harder than I thought and I *might* have had to stop Megan from crawling her pregnant self UNDER our car. But a few minutes and several giggles later, voila.
I went around to my side and pulled the door handle. Locked. With my keys laying in the front seat and two children buckled into their carseats. Oh, and my cell phone was laying next to the keys. Crap. Apparently, during the discipline sesh, Cams accidentally hit the locks with his flailing arms. Go figure.
"Camden," I yelled through the door. "Try to get unbuckled and come open the door for me." He tried and tried and tried....and then tried some more. He can get himself buckled, but he can't undo it. After trying and failing lots of times he gave up and started crying. Megan and I are both standing with our faces pressed to the window and talking into the car, and we are getting questions like, "Are you locked out?" {Um, just for the record, I will not be asking anyone that question in the future.}
Finally, some guy came over to try and help us. He said sometimes the keys from the same manufacturer will work. But, of course it didn't work for us. That would have been too easy. So, we calls the police for us. Yes, the police. And they sent the firemen.
Yes, the fireman. You know, the ones in the small, inconspicuous truck? The one that doesn't have sirens and lights? You know...except the exact opposite of all that. In the middle of the Lowe's parking lot and with a crowd gathered around. It took them for-e-ver to get it unlocked. They tried the driver's side door, then the passenger's side door, then back to the driver's side door before it finally unlocked. Oh, but then the car alarm went off. Seriously, there was no escaping the humiliation.
At least they were nice about it. And, thankfully, they didn't ask for my name and address to turn me in for child abuse or neglect. So, thats a plus.
Once they were done, Megan and I got the heck out of dodge in a hurry. Once we were away, I was able to laugh. BUT, you better believe that I called Jesse to tell him all about what HIS son had done. He just laughed in a a way that said, "Better you than me." Mmmhmm. Megan told me that the story needed to be a blog, so here ya go, Meg. This one's for you!! :)
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Laney Kate
Laney Kate,
As much as I wanted time to slow down just a little, today is your first birthday. Its been different with you, because you are our last baby. I've been a little more sappy about all of your firsts - first words, first steps, first foods, first smiles. I'm a little sad about leaving babyhood behind. But, I'm excited to see you growing bigger and learning more and new things every day.
What an unexpected little blessing you have been. We were thinking we were done having babies when we found out you were coming. I love those stinky ol' brothers of yours, but I just KNEW we'd have a fourth boy. When the ultrasound tech said you were a girl, I asked if she was sure. Since that day, my goal has been to enjoy and indulge in all things girly.
You are the most beautiful baby girl I know. Your blonde hair is finally starting to grow in a little more and your blue eyes shine, especially when you smile. You have a mouthful of teeth (10 as of now, and working on a few more) and round little cheeks. Your {slightly} chunky thighs make me want to swoon.
You are basically eating off the table all the time now. Unlike your brothers, who got picky when they started eating table food, you like....everything. You've eaten lettuce and tomatoes, carrots, onions, squash, zucchini, strawberries, grapes, bananas, and more. You like it all. You especially love Cheetos, cake, and suckers. ;)
I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to start drinking from a cup, but you are getting the hang of it now. And, you are thinking that milk is good after all. So far, I'm getting about a cup and half down you each day.
You are still taking a morning and afternoon nap. I would love to rock you to sleep, but you are squirmy and don't go to sleep as well that way. But, when I lay you down in bed with your blanket and a paci, you generally go right to sleep. And, those times where we do cuddle are all the more special.
Speaking of the paci, well, you are addicted. None of my other kids have been, so this is new for us. Sometimes you are a little fussy, and if I give you your paci, you settle right down. Its like you need a little fix or something. I at least try to buy you cute ones since you have them in your mouth so often.
You are saying a few words: mama, dada, uh-oh. I THINK you say several more: up, Ayden, Landon, more, milk. But, you aren't much of a performer when it comes to repeating a word after me or saying one again that I think I just heard.
You are crazy about your big brothers, and they are just as crazy about you. Bless your heart. They kiss you until I'm sure you're sick of it. When you cry, they sing to you, usually "Jesus Loves Me." They "help" you play with your toys, and they make sure every new person you meet knows that you are their sister.
You are generally a very happy baby. Although, I think you have a little of Camden's quick temper. But, I also wonder if you also have Ayden's tender heart since you cry when I tell you "no-no" or to stop. But, you are content to, ahem, "explore" on your own and you stay happy more times than not. Especially when there's a camera around - you're kind of a ham for photo time.
I don't remember what our family was like without you in it. I think you are a very lucky and well protected girl to have three big brothers. You are most definitely the little princess in our family. I'm so thankful that God picked us to be your family. You are the most amazing baby girl.
I can't wait to see how much you grow and change over the next year. I love you sweet girl.
Happy Birthday!!
As much as I wanted time to slow down just a little, today is your first birthday. Its been different with you, because you are our last baby. I've been a little more sappy about all of your firsts - first words, first steps, first foods, first smiles. I'm a little sad about leaving babyhood behind. But, I'm excited to see you growing bigger and learning more and new things every day.
What an unexpected little blessing you have been. We were thinking we were done having babies when we found out you were coming. I love those stinky ol' brothers of yours, but I just KNEW we'd have a fourth boy. When the ultrasound tech said you were a girl, I asked if she was sure. Since that day, my goal has been to enjoy and indulge in all things girly.
You are the most beautiful baby girl I know. Your blonde hair is finally starting to grow in a little more and your blue eyes shine, especially when you smile. You have a mouthful of teeth (10 as of now, and working on a few more) and round little cheeks. Your {slightly} chunky thighs make me want to swoon.
You are basically eating off the table all the time now. Unlike your brothers, who got picky when they started eating table food, you like....everything. You've eaten lettuce and tomatoes, carrots, onions, squash, zucchini, strawberries, grapes, bananas, and more. You like it all. You especially love Cheetos, cake, and suckers. ;)
I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to start drinking from a cup, but you are getting the hang of it now. And, you are thinking that milk is good after all. So far, I'm getting about a cup and half down you each day.
You are still taking a morning and afternoon nap. I would love to rock you to sleep, but you are squirmy and don't go to sleep as well that way. But, when I lay you down in bed with your blanket and a paci, you generally go right to sleep. And, those times where we do cuddle are all the more special.
Speaking of the paci, well, you are addicted. None of my other kids have been, so this is new for us. Sometimes you are a little fussy, and if I give you your paci, you settle right down. Its like you need a little fix or something. I at least try to buy you cute ones since you have them in your mouth so often.
You are saying a few words: mama, dada, uh-oh. I THINK you say several more: up, Ayden, Landon, more, milk. But, you aren't much of a performer when it comes to repeating a word after me or saying one again that I think I just heard.
You are crazy about your big brothers, and they are just as crazy about you. Bless your heart. They kiss you until I'm sure you're sick of it. When you cry, they sing to you, usually "Jesus Loves Me." They "help" you play with your toys, and they make sure every new person you meet knows that you are their sister.
You are generally a very happy baby. Although, I think you have a little of Camden's quick temper. But, I also wonder if you also have Ayden's tender heart since you cry when I tell you "no-no" or to stop. But, you are content to, ahem, "explore" on your own and you stay happy more times than not. Especially when there's a camera around - you're kind of a ham for photo time.
I don't remember what our family was like without you in it. I think you are a very lucky and well protected girl to have three big brothers. You are most definitely the little princess in our family. I'm so thankful that God picked us to be your family. You are the most amazing baby girl.
I can't wait to see how much you grow and change over the next year. I love you sweet girl.
Happy Birthday!!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Ayden's Salvation
I remember when we first found out Ayden was on the way. We took four pregnancy tests, just to be sure. ;) That seems like just a few short days ago, when in reality, it was 8 years, and my sweet firstborn is 7 years old.
From the time we knew he was on the way, we began to pray for his salvation. We pray that same prayer for Landon, Camden, and Laney Kate. What greater joy can there be for a parent than to know their child has given their heart to Jesus?
Ayden is now old enough to understand that Jesus was born to a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross, rose 3 days later, and ascended to the Father all in order to be our sacrifice. But, Ayden also knew all of the answers. He has been taught at home, learned in church, and even been in a christian school. So, it was important to Jesse and I that we not push him.
We have talked about salvation several times over the last months. Ayden began to ask some tentative questions, but was never sure if he wanted to ask Jesus into his heart. We told him that when the time was right, God would tell him, and he would just know.
He began asking questions again a little over a week ago at church. We have seen some people baptized recently, which had been the spark for Ayden's questions. As we were at church, Ayden told me that he was ready to get baptized.
We told Ayden that we'd really like to talk to him about it some more, so on the way home from church, he was ready to talk. Jesse asked him if he understood why we get baptized. He sort of understood, but Jesse wanted to be clear so that Ayden would know that baptism does not equal salvation, rather it is an act of obedience after salvation and a picture of what Jesus has done in our hearts.
After discussion and being convinced that Ayden knew what he was talking about, Jesse asked him if he wanted to ask Jesus into his heart.
I held my breath, because we've asked this question before only to hear, "uh...not yet."
But, this time, he said yes. Jesse led him in prayer right there in the car. And we had a family celebration that night.
What a joy to know my boy has chosen to follow Jesus. When he was a newborn, our pastor prayed over him at his baby dedication that he would grow up to be a giant for Jesus. Oh, how that has been and continues to be my prayer. What great things will he do for the Lord?
But, today, my heart is rejoicing, just as it has been since April 14, because my boy has given his heart to the One who loves him with an everlasting love and who gave His own Son so that we might know Him.
Do you know Him?
For God so loved the world that He have his one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. ~John 3:16
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. ~Romans 5:8
If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. ~Romans 10:9-10
From the time we knew he was on the way, we began to pray for his salvation. We pray that same prayer for Landon, Camden, and Laney Kate. What greater joy can there be for a parent than to know their child has given their heart to Jesus?
Ayden is now old enough to understand that Jesus was born to a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross, rose 3 days later, and ascended to the Father all in order to be our sacrifice. But, Ayden also knew all of the answers. He has been taught at home, learned in church, and even been in a christian school. So, it was important to Jesse and I that we not push him.
We have talked about salvation several times over the last months. Ayden began to ask some tentative questions, but was never sure if he wanted to ask Jesus into his heart. We told him that when the time was right, God would tell him, and he would just know.
He began asking questions again a little over a week ago at church. We have seen some people baptized recently, which had been the spark for Ayden's questions. As we were at church, Ayden told me that he was ready to get baptized.
We told Ayden that we'd really like to talk to him about it some more, so on the way home from church, he was ready to talk. Jesse asked him if he understood why we get baptized. He sort of understood, but Jesse wanted to be clear so that Ayden would know that baptism does not equal salvation, rather it is an act of obedience after salvation and a picture of what Jesus has done in our hearts.
After discussion and being convinced that Ayden knew what he was talking about, Jesse asked him if he wanted to ask Jesus into his heart.
I held my breath, because we've asked this question before only to hear, "uh...not yet."
But, this time, he said yes. Jesse led him in prayer right there in the car. And we had a family celebration that night.
What a joy to know my boy has chosen to follow Jesus. When he was a newborn, our pastor prayed over him at his baby dedication that he would grow up to be a giant for Jesus. Oh, how that has been and continues to be my prayer. What great things will he do for the Lord?
But, today, my heart is rejoicing, just as it has been since April 14, because my boy has given his heart to the One who loves him with an everlasting love and who gave His own Son so that we might know Him.
Do you know Him?
For God so loved the world that He have his one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. ~John 3:16
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. ~Romans 5:8
If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. ~Romans 10:9-10
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Happy 5th Birthday, Landon!
Wow. Five years old!! Daddy and I sat awake last night just taking it in. We can't believe you are already 5!! The time has just flown by.
It makes me sad that you are growing up so fast, but, honestly I'm looking forward to a fresh, new year for you. The past year of your life has brought some pretty rough changes for you. We moved away from the only home you can remember, and even though we moved closer to our family, you have had the hardest time adjusting. You miss your friends, your surrogate family, your church (and class...and teachers!), and your school. Now, just as you are settling in, we are moving again! But, this time, its a good move...back to our very own home. You were just a baby when we left there so you can't remember. But, it will be wonderful to have a little more space and to be back in a place that we can call our own.
You also became a big brother (again) this last year. Oh my goodness, do you love Laney Kate. When she was still a very small baby, Daddy and I would notice how stinky her head was at night....from all the slobber of big brother kisses all day. Most of those kisses came from you. Now that she's more mobile, you can't catch her enough to give her that many kisses, but you still take care of her. When she cries, you'll find her pacifier or sing her a song. When she gets something she shouldn't, you tell her no, but gently take it away. And, she adores you.
You have grown so much since you turned four. Physically, you are a few inches taller (not much more in pounds, though, skinny-man). Your speech has continued to improve by leaps and bounds. And, you have matured SOOOO much, especially since you started preschool.
You have begun to notice some things that Ayden does, and have tried to do the same. Like, you no longer like to just color a picture. No, you need a piece of white paper so you can draw, just like your big brother. And, you draw out an entire action scene, too.
You're favorite things earlier in the year were Toy Story and Cars, but now you've moved on to Jake and the Neverland Pirates. In fact, thats the theme you chose for your birthday party. Its probably one of the most entertaining things I see when you sing the theme song (or really, any song!).
You are great at playing pretend. You are a great helper. You like to snuggle and are always quick to say, "I love you." You are such a sweet boy. We are all crazy about you.
You are learning more about the Lord all the time. Lately, you've been repeating a line from a VeggieTales movie, a lot. You'll say, "Hey, Mama, when you're afraid, just give it to God!" Thats right, bud. And, you still like to sing "God's Not Dead" along with the radio.
I can't wait to see how you grow and change over the next year. In just a few short months, you'll be a big Kindergartener. Holy cow!!! Time needs to slow down!! But, more than anything, I want you to know that I'm so glad that I get to be here to watch you grow up. I'm so thankful God chose me and Daddy to be your parents, and for you to be part of our family. I love you so much, Landon Ryan Ball!! Happy Birthday, sweet boy!!!
Wow. Five years old!! Daddy and I sat awake last night just taking it in. We can't believe you are already 5!! The time has just flown by.
It makes me sad that you are growing up so fast, but, honestly I'm looking forward to a fresh, new year for you. The past year of your life has brought some pretty rough changes for you. We moved away from the only home you can remember, and even though we moved closer to our family, you have had the hardest time adjusting. You miss your friends, your surrogate family, your church (and class...and teachers!), and your school. Now, just as you are settling in, we are moving again! But, this time, its a good move...back to our very own home. You were just a baby when we left there so you can't remember. But, it will be wonderful to have a little more space and to be back in a place that we can call our own.
You also became a big brother (again) this last year. Oh my goodness, do you love Laney Kate. When she was still a very small baby, Daddy and I would notice how stinky her head was at night....from all the slobber of big brother kisses all day. Most of those kisses came from you. Now that she's more mobile, you can't catch her enough to give her that many kisses, but you still take care of her. When she cries, you'll find her pacifier or sing her a song. When she gets something she shouldn't, you tell her no, but gently take it away. And, she adores you.
You have grown so much since you turned four. Physically, you are a few inches taller (not much more in pounds, though, skinny-man). Your speech has continued to improve by leaps and bounds. And, you have matured SOOOO much, especially since you started preschool.
You have begun to notice some things that Ayden does, and have tried to do the same. Like, you no longer like to just color a picture. No, you need a piece of white paper so you can draw, just like your big brother. And, you draw out an entire action scene, too.
You're favorite things earlier in the year were Toy Story and Cars, but now you've moved on to Jake and the Neverland Pirates. In fact, thats the theme you chose for your birthday party. Its probably one of the most entertaining things I see when you sing the theme song (or really, any song!).
You are great at playing pretend. You are a great helper. You like to snuggle and are always quick to say, "I love you." You are such a sweet boy. We are all crazy about you.
You are learning more about the Lord all the time. Lately, you've been repeating a line from a VeggieTales movie, a lot. You'll say, "Hey, Mama, when you're afraid, just give it to God!" Thats right, bud. And, you still like to sing "God's Not Dead" along with the radio.
I can't wait to see how you grow and change over the next year. In just a few short months, you'll be a big Kindergartener. Holy cow!!! Time needs to slow down!! But, more than anything, I want you to know that I'm so glad that I get to be here to watch you grow up. I'm so thankful God chose me and Daddy to be your parents, and for you to be part of our family. I love you so much, Landon Ryan Ball!! Happy Birthday, sweet boy!!!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Winning and Losing
I have had this post mulling around in my head for a week now. Last Monday, Ayden had the privilege of representing his grade level at the district-wide spelling bee. In order to get to that point, he had to be one of the top four from his class spelling bee. He then went on to compete with his 3 classmates and the top 4 spellers from the other first grade class. We tried to be really low-key about it, saying how it would be cool if he won, but not big deal if he didn't win.
I remember that as we were driving to school that morning he told me, "But, I just really want to win, Mama." I told him that I understood, because we all like to win and nobody likes to lose. But, that he should remember that if someone else won, that he should be happy for them and congratulate them, because they, too, had probably worked hard on the words.
After he won, we had a fun night of celebrating at home as a family. We enjoyed a movie night and ate his favorite dinner. And then we began practicing for the big-boy spelling bee...the district-wide bee with a real trophy up for grabs and everything.
Ayden is a naturally good speller. I'd like to take credit for it, but its nothing but a gift from the Lord. Seriously, its like to boy sees a word (or any other piece of information, for that matter), and then, its just there. Like, forever.
So, we practiced a little most nights, spelling a few words here and there each time. I knew that they had made it most of the way through the first grade list at school, and he was able to spell all of the words on his list, so we really focused on the second grade list. You know, because they would move to that one if they exhausted the first grade words and still hadn't determined a winner.
The "wh-" words and "been" gave Ayden a little trouble, so the last few days, we practiced those extra. I had him spell all the trouble words on the morning of the spelling bee, and he spelled every single one of them correctly.
He was ready.
I tucked a note in his lunchbox, packed his backpack with a few books to help pass the time, dressed him in a nice church-y outfit, and took him to meet the bus at the school with a kiss and hug and a reminder that Daddy and I would be there when it was time for first grade.
And, we were. Video camera and camera in hand. And, fresh from the prayers we had just uttered on Ayden's behalf. Not prayers for him to win, but prayers that he would have a happy heart no matter the outcome.
We were ready to capture the moment as he took his place with the other first graders. He breezed through the first two practice rounds. He even remembered to say the letters nice and slowly, like his Daddy had said. Then, it was time for the real deal.
I wanted him to win, ya'll. I couldn't help it. My mama's heart wanted to see him succeed and win. It comes with the mama territory.
But, he didn't win.
In fact, he missed his very first word.
A word he knew how to spell. A word he's spelled correctly somewhere around a zillion times. As the caller told him that he'd spelled the word incorrectly, shock registered on his face. Then, his eyes found mine as he came back to his seat, eliminated. My heart broke for my boy. He was so disappointed. He'd been so nervous (although he says he wasn't) that he didn't even realize he'd spelled it wrong.
He sat on my lap and said, "I just forgot, Mama. I just forgot. And, I really wanted to win a medal." Ahhh. Arrow straight to my heart. My heart hurt for him.
But, I was so proud of him. You see, Ayden's tendency is to act kind of ugly when he loses. To pout and say mean things. But, he didn't this time. Don't get me wrong, he was incredibly disappointed to have lost. But, he made us so proud by the way he handled himself.
You see, one of the character qualities Jesse and I have been praying specifically over Ayden this year is that he would learn to both win and lose gracefully. Of course, losing isn't fun. But, its part of life. And we want Ayden to have integrity and honor as his character no matter the situation.
So, I couldn't have been more excited to see this change in his heart. Because, when we look back in 20 years, it won't matter if Ayden won or lost the spelling bee. Thats why his character is our concern. We want him (and all of our children) to grow up to live lives that bring honor and glory to the Lord. And, my sweet boy, took a step in the right direction.
I'm so thankful to be his mom.
I remember that as we were driving to school that morning he told me, "But, I just really want to win, Mama." I told him that I understood, because we all like to win and nobody likes to lose. But, that he should remember that if someone else won, that he should be happy for them and congratulate them, because they, too, had probably worked hard on the words.
After he won, we had a fun night of celebrating at home as a family. We enjoyed a movie night and ate his favorite dinner. And then we began practicing for the big-boy spelling bee...the district-wide bee with a real trophy up for grabs and everything.
Ayden is a naturally good speller. I'd like to take credit for it, but its nothing but a gift from the Lord. Seriously, its like to boy sees a word (or any other piece of information, for that matter), and then, its just there. Like, forever.
So, we practiced a little most nights, spelling a few words here and there each time. I knew that they had made it most of the way through the first grade list at school, and he was able to spell all of the words on his list, so we really focused on the second grade list. You know, because they would move to that one if they exhausted the first grade words and still hadn't determined a winner.
The "wh-" words and "been" gave Ayden a little trouble, so the last few days, we practiced those extra. I had him spell all the trouble words on the morning of the spelling bee, and he spelled every single one of them correctly.
He was ready.
I tucked a note in his lunchbox, packed his backpack with a few books to help pass the time, dressed him in a nice church-y outfit, and took him to meet the bus at the school with a kiss and hug and a reminder that Daddy and I would be there when it was time for first grade.
And, we were. Video camera and camera in hand. And, fresh from the prayers we had just uttered on Ayden's behalf. Not prayers for him to win, but prayers that he would have a happy heart no matter the outcome.
We were ready to capture the moment as he took his place with the other first graders. He breezed through the first two practice rounds. He even remembered to say the letters nice and slowly, like his Daddy had said. Then, it was time for the real deal.
I wanted him to win, ya'll. I couldn't help it. My mama's heart wanted to see him succeed and win. It comes with the mama territory.
But, he didn't win.
In fact, he missed his very first word.
A word he knew how to spell. A word he's spelled correctly somewhere around a zillion times. As the caller told him that he'd spelled the word incorrectly, shock registered on his face. Then, his eyes found mine as he came back to his seat, eliminated. My heart broke for my boy. He was so disappointed. He'd been so nervous (although he says he wasn't) that he didn't even realize he'd spelled it wrong.
He sat on my lap and said, "I just forgot, Mama. I just forgot. And, I really wanted to win a medal." Ahhh. Arrow straight to my heart. My heart hurt for him.
But, I was so proud of him. You see, Ayden's tendency is to act kind of ugly when he loses. To pout and say mean things. But, he didn't this time. Don't get me wrong, he was incredibly disappointed to have lost. But, he made us so proud by the way he handled himself.
You see, one of the character qualities Jesse and I have been praying specifically over Ayden this year is that he would learn to both win and lose gracefully. Of course, losing isn't fun. But, its part of life. And we want Ayden to have integrity and honor as his character no matter the situation.
So, I couldn't have been more excited to see this change in his heart. Because, when we look back in 20 years, it won't matter if Ayden won or lost the spelling bee. Thats why his character is our concern. We want him (and all of our children) to grow up to live lives that bring honor and glory to the Lord. And, my sweet boy, took a step in the right direction.
I'm so thankful to be his mom.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
My Camden boy is, well, so Camden!! He is one-of-a-kind for sure! He definitely adds a specific dynamic to our family.
He does this thing where he cuts his eyes at you, which generally signals that he's getting ready to do something he shouldn't.
When someone {especially a stranger} speaks to him in public, he's likely to cross his arms and look halfway over at them with his eyes partially rolled and his mouth puckered to the side. Its hard to describe, but if you've seen it, you know.
He's also completely the unseen eye.
But, I think I've figured {at least part of} it out.
The boy wakes up thinking about the exact same thing he was thinking when he went to sleep.
For example:
This morning, he was {as he is every morning, no matter the time} waiting for me to get up so he could do the same. No "Good morning" or anything like that. Nope. He says, "I threw my dinner in the trash last night. I wasn't supposed to do that, so my brothers got suckers because they ate their dinner all gone, but I had to go to bed because I threw my dinner in the trash."
Good morning to you, too, son.
The next statement, about 45 seconds later, had something to do with boys being tall, tall, taller, and baby sisters being little because they are babies.
Then, he wanted tea to drink with his lunch today, but I never got around to making it before nap time. So, after a 2 1/2 hour nap, he emerged from his bedroom and promptly began to cry because he wanted tea.
Oh, and as a side note, he likes to run around in his underwear.
He does this thing where he cuts his eyes at you, which generally signals that he's getting ready to do something he shouldn't.
When someone {especially a stranger} speaks to him in public, he's likely to cross his arms and look halfway over at them with his eyes partially rolled and his mouth puckered to the side. Its hard to describe, but if you've seen it, you know.
He's also completely the unseen eye.
But, I think I've figured {at least part of} it out.
The boy wakes up thinking about the exact same thing he was thinking when he went to sleep.
For example:
This morning, he was {as he is every morning, no matter the time} waiting for me to get up so he could do the same. No "Good morning" or anything like that. Nope. He says, "I threw my dinner in the trash last night. I wasn't supposed to do that, so my brothers got suckers because they ate their dinner all gone, but I had to go to bed because I threw my dinner in the trash."
Good morning to you, too, son.
The next statement, about 45 seconds later, had something to do with boys being tall, tall, taller, and baby sisters being little because they are babies.
Then, he wanted tea to drink with his lunch today, but I never got around to making it before nap time. So, after a 2 1/2 hour nap, he emerged from his bedroom and promptly began to cry because he wanted tea.
Oh, and as a side note, he likes to run around in his underwear.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Just Another Day in Paradise
Whew. Life as a family of 6 is busy. And fun. And adventurous. And {slightly} chaotic. Okay, completely chaotic. But, its OUR chaos and we wouldn't have it any other way.
Sometimes, Jess and I just meet eyes over the top of our kids' heads {and whatever mess they've just made}, and give each other THE LOOK. You know, the one that says, "Don't you dare laugh. These are YOUR children. I mean it. No laughing. Seriously." And, then you decide its more fun to laugh anyway.
During the course of today:
-we have stopped Laney Kate from crawling to and digging in the trash can approximately 14 times
-we have cleaned up Laney Kate's spit up messes from the floor around 5 times
-we have pulled a crawling Laney Kate away from a place she shouldn't be (ie, the bathroom (left open by a brother), the boys' bedroom, the fireplace, the stove, the screen door (left open by a brother)), somewhere in the ballpark of 64 times
-we have fished minute particles of whatever Laney Kate can find to stick in her mouth about 3 times
-I grocery shopped for our family of 6 (including coupons and ad matches, having the oil changed, and filling up the gas tank...hey, at least Wal-Mart is a one-stop shopping experience!)
-ran children to and from school
-prepared Valentines
-staunched the bleeding on Ayden's face after he "pretended" to shave like Daddy in the tub and cut his lip for real
-studied for the spelling bee with Ayden
-practiced Landon's nursery rhyme he has to memorize for school
-made dinner with the help of my little chef, Cams
-wiped {and suctioned out} Laney Kate's nose
-gave baths
And, then we looked at each other and wondered why we are so tired tonight?
But, what a fun day we've had. The boys played with their Play-Doh for a record amount of time before arguing, and then it was only brief. Laney Kate is a crawling, pulling up, teething little 8 1/2 month old with a sweet disposition and the prettiest smile EVA. Dinner was NOT a battle. And, tomorrow is the last day of school before our first 4 day weekend.
I'd say we're pretty blessed.
Ready for sleep.
But, definitely blessed.
Sometimes, Jess and I just meet eyes over the top of our kids' heads {and whatever mess they've just made}, and give each other THE LOOK. You know, the one that says, "Don't you dare laugh. These are YOUR children. I mean it. No laughing. Seriously." And, then you decide its more fun to laugh anyway.
During the course of today:
-we have stopped Laney Kate from crawling to and digging in the trash can approximately 14 times
-we have cleaned up Laney Kate's spit up messes from the floor around 5 times
-we have pulled a crawling Laney Kate away from a place she shouldn't be (ie, the bathroom (left open by a brother), the boys' bedroom, the fireplace, the stove, the screen door (left open by a brother)), somewhere in the ballpark of 64 times
-we have fished minute particles of whatever Laney Kate can find to stick in her mouth about 3 times
-I grocery shopped for our family of 6 (including coupons and ad matches, having the oil changed, and filling up the gas tank...hey, at least Wal-Mart is a one-stop shopping experience!)
-ran children to and from school
-prepared Valentines
-staunched the bleeding on Ayden's face after he "pretended" to shave like Daddy in the tub and cut his lip for real
-studied for the spelling bee with Ayden
-practiced Landon's nursery rhyme he has to memorize for school
-made dinner with the help of my little chef, Cams
-wiped {and suctioned out} Laney Kate's nose
-gave baths
And, then we looked at each other and wondered why we are so tired tonight?
But, what a fun day we've had. The boys played with their Play-Doh for a record amount of time before arguing, and then it was only brief. Laney Kate is a crawling, pulling up, teething little 8 1/2 month old with a sweet disposition and the prettiest smile EVA. Dinner was NOT a battle. And, tomorrow is the last day of school before our first 4 day weekend.
I'd say we're pretty blessed.
Ready for sleep.
But, definitely blessed.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Ayden's 7th Birthday
Dear Ayden,
Seven years old! My goodness. I have to just stop and take it all in. Seven. I can't believe you are already seven years old. Wasn't it just yesterday that Daddy and I first held you in our arms? I know I say somehing similar every year, but it seems like every passing year goes faster than the one before.
The past year has been full of big events! You became a big brother yet again to our precious Laney Kate. You graduated from Kindergarten. And we made the big move back to Missouri, where you started a new school with a new teacher and new friends. And, you have handled it all like a champ. You love and dote on Laney Kate and help me with her and your brothers. You were sad to leave your school and Mrs. Tracy and your friends in Jacksonville, but you were so brave to go to Pineville Primary with Mrs. Burch and you have made some great new buddies. I have been so proud of you through it all!!
Since you started first grade in August, you've lost four teeth. In fact, you have three empty spaces in the front right now. I tried to get you to sing "All I Want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth" but you weren't so sure... ;)
You still have the same tender heart as always. Sometimes, we have to peel back the attitude to see it, but it's there just the same. You like to make the people you love happy, and you are quick to offer encouraging words. Sometimes I wish you would be a little easier on yourself and take encouragement as well as you give it, but I know that you come by your perfectionist tendencies honestly, and we'll just work through that together. ;)
Your favorite hobby of the past year has been Legos. Wow. First, it was Star Wars and Pirates of the Carribbean Lego sets, and now it's Batman and Ninjago. It's so fun to watch you create with them. You just got your first Batman set for Christmas, but you've been creating those characters for months using the pieces you already had. Your friends are into Legos, too. At Parsons last year and the beginning of this one, Mrs. Tracy had to ban all Legos from school because the boys weren't paying attention and were arguing over them. A few weeks ago, you went to Buffalo Creek with Daddy and after you were in bed that night, he told me that after the program, you had disappeared to the fellowship hall with the other boys your age. When he went to get you, he said there you all were, gathered around a table playing with the Legos you had ALL pulled out of your pockets. We laughed and smiled at the fun you had.
You still love to draw, too. Daddy and I can barely write our own we both say you didn't get your talent from us. But, Mr. Rusty says you have a natural ability, and, not to brag, but I agree. ;). You will sometimes sit for an hour drawing out a whole story scene, using up every inch of the paper, front and back.
You are so funny. Most times, you don't mean to be, which makes it even funnier. But lately, you are into joke telling. You make most of them up, and to be perfectly honest, most don't make a lick of sense, but when you laugh at your own punchline, it makes me smile.
You are beginning to be very curious about Jesus and what it means to be a Christian. Daddy and I are praying every day for your (and your brothers' and sister's) salvation. The wheels are turning and I know the day of yor salvation will be soon. You think (on some days) that you'll grow up and be a preacher like Daddy. You understand the importance of telling others abouthe Lord. This morning, your Daddy was speaking at FCA, and you very tenderly explained to your brothers what he was doing and why. A very special moment for your Mama to hear, for sure.
Oh buddy, I love you Soooooo much!!! You melt my heart when you still want to snuggle with me. You are such a sweet boy, telling me and the rest of our family that you love us at random times of the day, every day. I am so very proud of you and the big boy that you've grown up to be. I am so excited to see what the year ahead holds for us. In a blink, it will be your 8th birthday. But, for now, let's enjoy every scone of seven. Have the happiest of birthdays, buddy.
I love you to he moon and back....times infinity!!!
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