Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Happy Birthday, Laney Kate!!

Laney Kate,

Oh my goodness, sweet girl - you are 2 years old today!!!  I can't believe how fast the last 2 years have gone.  Your Daddy, brothers, and I love you so very much and we are all looking forward to celebrating today!  You were our little surprise and a bright spot during a hard time for our family.  Your big brothers have been in love with you from the very beginning (well, mostly ;)) and they still are.  I think they were more excited to tell you "Happy Birthday" this morning than they were for their own birthdays.  They do, however, still call you "Goo" or "Baby Goo" a lot of the time....I apologize now for time when you hear this and do not find any humor. 

I think the craziest thing for me is how much you have changed since your last birthday.  Last year you were just starting to stand and take a few wobbly steps, and now you run all over the place...and climb....everywhere.  Last year you still just had a little peach fuzz and the only way you could wear a bow was to clip it to a headband that you nearly always pulled off your head.  Last year you were just starting to say a few words and now you have a whole arsenal of them.
Here are my favorites right now: 
     -You very rarely call your brothers by their names, but instead refer to them all as "boy" or            "boys".  This is especially true when you are tattling on them. ;)
     -You will.not. say just call him Rylee and he does NOT think its funny...and you            do...
     -"Daddy" and "Mama" are two of my favorites, especially since your brothers almost always        call us "Dad" and "Mom" now.
     -You call your paci your "papi" and anytime sleep is mentioned you ask for it.  Thats getting        ready to end soon though, as Operation Break LK of Her Paci begins next week when the          school year ends and schedules no longer matter.

Here are some of your favorite things right now: your family (including aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents), Kord, sweet tea, Doc McStuffins, Ariel, your "Down on the Farm" board book, baby dolls that you push in baby strollers or your toy cart, your paci, pestering your brothers, kisses, and outside.

My prayer for you this year is that as you continue to learn and grow and develop, you will begin to understand that Jesus loves you even more than we do.  That you will continue to grow and learn and develop your personality - which, by the way, is the perfect blend of mischevious, stinker, and sweet.

I love you, Laney Kate!!  You are my girl and I am thankful beyond words that the Lord placed you in our family.  You were and are the perfect addition.  I hope you feel special and know how loved you are today.

Happy 2nd Birthday!
