Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Focusing on the eternal

I've been pretty quiet on my blog lately (for all 3 people or so who read it ;) ).  To be honest, I just can't talk (or write, I guess would be more of an accurate statement), about the things that are going on in our lives right now.  Maybe one day, but right now its just too raw and painful.  I can say this, though: the Lord continues to teach me, to comfort me, to carry me, to love me, to be what I need when I need all the time.  I'm more in love with my husband than ever before and I am filled with thankfulness for our family.

I finished up a Bible study that I was doing through the summer and felt drawn to the book of James as my next study.  I love James.  Talk about convicting.  All that talk about the tongue.  Yikes.  Its also the book from which my favorite Miss Kim-ism is found: Whats down in the well comes up in the bucket.  Yep, James is definitely a doozy.  But, I love it.  Even when it steps on my toes and brings conviction to my heart.  Because, God's Word tells me that he disciplines and rebukes those He loves (Rev. 3:19).

So, with all that being said, I've been study for about a week and have made it all the way to verse 11 in chapter 1.  And today, as I read verses 9-11 for the first time, I was like...ummm, okay, soooo.....what do You want me to take away from this?? 

Funny I should ask.

The Lord started moving my pen across the page of my notebook and pouring out His truth into my heart.  The end result?  Things are so temporary.  We get so wrapped up in our "stuff" that we forget that it ain't goin' with us.  But, do you know what is eternal?  Well, lots of things, but 4 specific ones are etched onto my heart.

Their names are Ayden Parker, Landon Ryan, Camden Isaiah, and Laney Kate.

4 precious babies entrusted to Jesse and I.  Its our responsibility to teach them about eternity.  To teach them that Jesus loves them so very much that he stretched out his hands on the cross and took the punishment for their (and mine, and your) sin.  All so that we would have a way to spend all of eternity with Him. 

We beg God for the day of our children's salvations.  We anticipate eagerly the way God will use each of them in His kingdom, not just as adults but from the moment they ask Him to come and live in their sweet little hearts.

Yes, Lord.

And, so, it makes me wonder.  Do you know Him?  If you don't know Him, I sure would love to tell you about what He's done for me and in me and through me and with me.

Friday, July 13, 2012

To Jesse

10 years ago today I was nervously sitting as my hair was done and makeup was applied...as the white gown went over my head and the veil was clipped to my hair.  After waiting for what seemed like to me the longest time ever in all my 19 years, my wedding day had arrived.  As the time for the ceremony grew near, the reality of what I was doing became more and more clear; to pledge forever to this man who had captured my heart as a 16 year old girl.  Needless to say, I was incredibly nervous.

I shouldn't have been.

Today, Jesse and I are celebrating 10 years of marriage.  I'm still trying to figure out how we've had time for an entire decade to pass, but here we are...4 babies and 10 years later...and I'm more in love with my man than ever before.

We've had so many memories together...happy, sad, funny, mad.  Jess, remember when ___ spent the night with us and had a tummy ache and what happened then?  I'll never forget that...and I wonder if the neighbors ever missed that shovel?  Remember when the toilet  broke and water started spraying everywhere?  Not so funny at the time, but I bet our faces and panic would have been comical to see!  When I look back, I remember so many funny things.  And, I want to say thank you.  Thank you for teaching me that life is fun...funny even, and that my serious self can laugh - at myself or the situation or along with you.  We've laughed a lot over the years.

As we talked last night, you told me you were glad it was me.  I'm glad, too.  Because there isn't anyone else I want to travel this journey with but you.  I remember when we found out that Ayden, Landon, Camden, and Laney Kate were each on their way.  I remember when each of them arrived.  When we brought Ayden home and weren't really sure what we were doing but figured it out together.  Then a little brother for him in Landon.  Our two surprises, first Camden and then Laney Kate.  I couldn't ask for a better Daddy for them.  Thank you for loving them.

But, more than anything, thank you for loving the Lord.  As we face our future, you encourage me to seek the Lord for myself, but you set an example for me to follow.  Your passion for Jesus is the best thing about you.  I don't know if I've ever told you this, but one of my favorite things to do is to watch you worship.  Your surrender and sincerity and desire to serve and be pleasing to the Lord are evident in your life anyway, but even more so in your worship.  I know that worship is a passion we both have and that we both believe worship isn't something we do when we sing, but a lifestyle we live.  And you do.  Your life is a life of worship.  So many times you pray that you would bring honor and glory only to the Lord.  And you do.

There are so many things to share...so many things to remember - more than I could ever write about.  But, you, Jesse LeRoy Ball are my knight in shining armor, my hero, my very best friend, my confidante, my prayer warrior, and the love of my life.  As we continue on this journey together, I can't wait to see what the years hold for us.  There's no one I'd rather go with. 

I love you.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday, Camden

Dear Camden,
Today you are three years old!!  My goodness!  Where has the time gone?  I can't believe you are already such a big boy!  Today, for the first time, Daddy has to be gone on your birthday.  But, Grammy gets to be here with us!  We are going to go see Brave for your special day.
The last year has brought two big milestones for you...you are potty trained and you are a big brother.  Mama was not looking forward to potty training because, well, both of your big brothers were really hard.  And, when we first started, you were NOT excited.  You would cry every time I put you on the potty.  But after you figured out what you were supposed to do, it was a breeze.  I think after about 2 weeks you stopped having accidents completely.  Whew!  Mama will be forever grateful to you for being so easy. :)
You also became a big brother just 5 weeks ago to little Laney Kate.  You have handled it so well.  You aren't too jealous of your little sister and you like to love on her with Ayden and Landon.  You have this way of rubbing your cheek on her head and looking up at me with the sly little grin that you have...and its sweet and spicy all at the same time!  None of you boys like it when she cries, and you'll say something like, "Whatsa matter, sweet girl?" or "Don't cry, baby, don't cry."  You are going to be a great big brother!
You love Ayden and Landon, too.  Some days you and Landon, especially, fight like cats and dogs, but you really are the best of friends and playmates.  We are out of our school time routine now that its summer, but you two spent most mornings playing together while Ayden was at school.  You are both very imaginative!  You like to reenact movie scenes (go figure!).  The most popular is from The Lion King.  Landon will stand up on the back of the chair (which is actually against our rules...just sayin') and you will climb below and stretch out your arms.  Then Landon will grab your arms with his hands and you'll look up and say, "Scar, brother, help me!"  Landon will say, "Nevah!!!" and then throw your arms away from him, just like Scar did to Mufasa when he threw him over the cliff.  Then, you'll switch and you will be Scar.  It is so funny!  But, you'll never do it when I want you to, so not too many people have seen you.  You also repeat lines and phrases from other movies....all of you boys most definitely get that trait from your Daddy.  He only has to watch a movie once before he's got down all the lines and quotes.
Speaking of Daddy, you are a Daddy's boy!  Your favorite time of day is when Daddy gets home from work and gets down in the floor to wrestle with you boys.  He just taught you how to do an arm bar...I don't even really know what that means, but Daddy is proud! ;)  You like to sit on his lap with your "night-night" at night and snuggle with him.  I always joke that you save your limited amount of sweetness each day for your Daddy!  You'll be the most ornery little boy I've ever seen all day long, and the minute you see your Daddy you become ooey-gooey sweetness, looking up at him with adoring eyes and telling him you love him and giving him sweet kisses and hugs!
You also like to sing.  Sometimes in a sweet voice and sometimes in one thats, well, scary.  Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Linda are your Sunday School teachers and they sing Jesus Loves Me and Jesus Loves the Little Children with you a lot...so you like those.  You also learn songs from Ayden and Landon that they've learned in preschool choir.  And, lately, all three of you boys have fallen in love with God's Not Dead by the Newsboys and you sing it nonstop.  Grammy has the Newsboys cd, so since she's been here with us, you all three want to listen to it over and over and over every time we are in her van.  And you all know the whole song...not to mention a few others that you've picked up from the same cd.  It makes my heart happy to hear you sing about Jesus at such a young age.
You are a very smart little boy...sometimes a little too smart for your own good, because you get yourself into trouble.  I often say that its a good thing you're so funny, because I'm not sure the two of us would survive one another otherwise.  Although, you haven't quite figured out that you can't repeat everything that I say to you....like, its not okay for you to tell me not to sass you...or to point your finger at me.  But, just when I think I'm absolutely at the end of my rope with you, you'll do something funny and distract me.  Grammy watched all of you boys a couple of weeks ago so I could have a girls' night and you were really acting up.  Finally, she told you that if you did ___ again, she was going to spank your bottom and send you to bed....and she meant it!  Your response?  "Oohh, that's not good."  She said she totally cracked up and lost all control.  But you are very smart!!  You can count to 14, know lots of letters and are learning their sounds, you know your colors and most shapes, right and left, opposites, and you are a puzzle master.  You don't particularly like to sit still and read, but every once in a while we get to enjoy a book together. 
You L-O-V-E anything that has to do with superheroes...Spiderman, Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Thor...and others that I don't even know about.  You also like Toy Story toys and Thomas the Train toys.  You like to dress up in your superhero costumes.  Your cowboy boots are an essential part of your everyday wardrobe.  You like to eat mac and cheese, pizza, chicken nuggets, and peanut butter and jelly, and all kinds of fruit...but not much else.  You love bathtime but do NOT want water in your eyes and cry and call it "the big water" when that happens.  You like to help me brush my hair and to wear Daddy's deodorant and cologne.  You sometimes fight with your brothers but ask for them when they're not around.  You are fearless, yet say that lots of things scare you.  You challenge me, drive me wild, make me wonder if we're going to survive until you reach adulthood, and melt me heart with a look, an "I love you," or a kiss.  You are all big boy, but you still like to snuggle in your Mama's lap.  And that makes your Mama happy.
I don't know what the next year will hold, but I do know that I'm looking forward to how you'll grow and change.  I love you so much, little man.  Thank you for being you.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

When life stings

I have so many things to be thankful for.  A wonderful, supportive, loving, kind, compassionate husband who daily reassures me of his love for me and our family and seeks to lead us as God leads him.  Three amazing, ornery, smart, and sweet little boys who drive me crazy and challenge me often, but who I love and wouldn't change for the world.  A new addition on the way...of the female gender, and who our family can't wait to meet, hold, cuddle, and love.

I have parents, siblings, in laws, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins who love and support us and God's call on our family even from a distance.  They encourage and pray for us, and we are so thankful.  We have students that I think the world of.  They rub my belly, stop by our house, and have grown deeper in their faith before our eyes.  I have sweeter friendships than I have ever experienced in this life.  Godly women who I can laugh and cry with, pray and study with, and enjoy doing life with.

I have a roof over my head, food to eat, money to pay our bills, a car to drive, and clothes to wear (although, admittedly, they are getting a little snug in the belly region...hmmm....wonder why that is?).

When I think about all the good gifts the Lord has given me, it's easy to love Him.  To serve Him.  To offer Him praise.

But, what about the times when life hurts?

My little sister is suffering with the sudden loss of her father-in-law.  My sweet friend is walking through the illness of a grandparent and another of a spouse.  I have a heaviness in my own spirit and some things that I am struggling with daily.  What about then?

God is teaching me just how much He can teach me during the times when life stings.  Its a choice I have...to wallow in self-pity, asking "Why? Why, me? Why now? Why this?"  Or, to trust in Him and His plan and His sovereignty, even when I don't understand why. 

When I was growing up, I remember hearing about God taking people to the woodshed.  I've had a similar experience this week.  I'm so thankful that God disciplines those He loves (Rev. 3:19).  He revealed to me that I've had the wrong mindset about trials, temptations, and thorns.  His Word tells me that if I want to follow Him, I must pick up my cross DAILY (Matt. 16:24).  He also promises that His power is made perfect in my weakness (2 Cor. 12:9).  He tells me that He knows the plans He has for me (Jer. 29:11) and that He will work all things together for my good (Rom. 8:28).  I could go on.

The point is, who would each of us be without the trials, tribulations, and thorns that come into our lives?  As a teenager, our family went through a pretty rocky time.  Yet, so many times, I've heard my mom say that she is thankful, because it was during that time that Jesus became real to us.  Its often at the point where we reach the end of ourselves and have no other option other than to trust in the Lord that He becomes real to us. 

I am working my way through the "Brave" Bible study by Angela Thomas, and this week has been all about thorns in life.  So, in closing, here are a few things that have really stuck out to me. "Do you need a fresh reminder of God's grace for your thorn?  Sufficient means God is enough - not almost enough or barely enough but fully and completely enough. ...God wants us to see His power.  He wants us to worship Him as master of every circumstance.  He wants us to trust that His power is being perfected through us. ...God is all-powerful, and when He brings His power to your weakness, buckle up.  You will see mountains move and hearts of stone made new."

Yes, Lord.  Today I choose to walk in Your truth.  Even though life stings sometimes.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Because I know you're dying to know...

Today I burned my pregnant belly on the stove as I tried to reach into the cabinet above it for an ingredient I needed for dinner. It really hurt.

Camden's new favorite thing to tell me is that he doesn't love me..."now cry." But, when I pour on the fake tears, he just smiles and laughs and says, "I still don't love you."

Camden does NOT play that game with his daddy, for whom he saves approximately 90% of his love, devotion, kisses, hugs, and sweetness.

I'm not kidding.

But, it makes it extra sweet when I get a little lovin' and I know that little stinker loves his Mama.

Landon, Ayden, and I are going to see Disney on Ice later this week, but at first, Ayden wasn't sure he wanted to attend, because he "rather thought it might have too much drama." His own words, folks.

Landon very proudly sang, "Zaccheus was a wee little man..." to all passerby in Target today. Complete with hand motions. Very endearing, if you ask me.

I had the rudest cashier at Wal-Mart today that I believe I have ever encountered. Ugly words and retorts were bubbling up, but I did not give in. Thanks, Lord.

Landon is now enrolled in preschool. *Sigh* My second baby leaving me for school. *Tear* I am not ready for him to go...but he was ready to stay today!

All three of the boys refused to even taste their dinner tonight. I know, I know....shocker! If it wasn't for those darn "begetables" I insist on putting in everything.

Camden has started answering questions I (or others) ask him, with "Uhh, I guess." Maybe its just me, but its so funny coming from his little 2 year old self...and such a perfect picture of his independent and stubborn personality. He also frequently growls at people....he ranges from being a dinosaur to a monster to a lion and, occasionally something really sweet that would never growl at people in real life.

Ayden's favorite book to read at night is his Bible. Love this! Tonight we read about when God sent fire from heaven to consume Elijah's sacrifice.

Did I mention I burned my belly? That means its too big!!

When Landon gets really mad at one of his brothers, he calls them a baby. Fightin' words, for sure. I think he might have called Camden a baby about 68 times today.

Landon and Camden have become puzzle masters. They play with their puzzles almost as much as they do with their toys during the day.

I am so thankful to be able to spend the days at home with these crazy, wonderful kiddos. I'm glad I'm not missing all these silly and serious and frustrating and overwhelming and sweet and tender moments.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday, Landon Ryan Ball!

Dear Landy,

Oh my goodness!! Today is finally your birthday and you are four years old!! How we've been waiting for today to come! This is the first time you've really gotten excited over your birthday coming and you have proudly announced over and over that you will be four years old! I asked you if you would like Daddy and Mama to get you something for your birthday and you said, "Umm, a cake!" I laughed and asked if maybe you'd like a special toy or something just for you, and your response? "A cake, with CANDLES! My friends will sing 'Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday, dear Landon, Happy birthday to you' and then I will blow the candle out, like this (insert blowing out the candles whoosh)!"

Tonight, we will have our family birthday dinner of chicken scampi, because that is a favorite of yours and your brothers right now. You will get to eat on our special birthday plate, and Daddy will say a special prayer for you before dinner. Then, this weekend, you get to have a birthday party with all your special friends and aunts and uncles of the heart. :) You picked a Toy Story 3 theme and were so excited as we bought the matching paper goods.

You are the sweetest four year old boy! My little Landy. You've always been one to melt hearts with your smile, and my oh my, you can still pull that off!! I will just be sitting in a chair or making dinner or some other simple task and you'll come over to me and give me a hug or rub my arm or leg or very pregnant belly and smile that Landon smile up at me. Then you'll give me a kiss and say, "I love you, Mama." Sometimes you even tack on, "you're a good girl," to the end.

You are a big helper for Mama, always wanting to be in the kitchen to watch me cook, helping me pick up toys in your bedroom. You love your big brother, Ayden, and your little brother, Camden. You love to follow Ayden around and do what he does, but you also like to play with your little close-in-age playmate. It seems like you are either playing together like the two sweetest boys you've ever seen, or you are fighting like cats and dogs. But, you do love each other and have really learned to play well together a lot of the time.

You will be a good big brother to your new little sister in just a few months. You are so funny about it. If we point to my belly and ask whats inside, you tell us its a baby. But, then, you point to your own belly and say, "this is my sister!" I know she will feel like a precious part of our family when she gets some of your sweet kisses on her forehead.

Right now, your imagination is taking off! You and Ayden like to play pretend with the pirate ships. You will load the ships up with plastic army men, designating the good guys and bad guys and staging a whole, dramatic scene. You also build Gongman City nearly everyday out of some type of block: our Mega blocks, alphabet blocks, legos, trio blocks, the wooden blocks Daddy made you...or a combination of all. Gongman City is the place where the evil peacock Shen lives on Kung Fu Panda 2, and you love to build that tower. Anytime you build anything, you always run out and tell me to come look at what you made. When I get there, you hold out your hand and point to your creation and excitedly say, "See, see, see, see?"

You also still love to play with your trains and you love yourself some Toy Story and Cars. Its rare that we leave the house without a Lightning McQueen stuffed in your pocket. In fact, I think you might have had one in EACH pocket when we went to church Sunday night. But, generally, you need that certain ONE....don't ask me which, because all of our 273 Lightning McQueen cars look exactly the same to me. But, there's always a certain one you want, and you'll painstakingly sift through the bin of cars until you find just the right one.

You enjoy coloring and puzzles and the occasional book. Now that Ayden is reading, you prefer to sit in my lap and listen to him read over sitting down and letting me read to you. But thats okay. The other day, you were "reading" to Camden, and I was one proud Mama to see you tracking that print, line by line from left to right. Mmmhmmm, your teacher Mama was cheering you on over your shoulder.

You love your Daddy SOOOO much! I know that all of my boys love me, but you definitely all have a special connection with your Daddy, too. And, you have the best, you know. He loves to come home and wrestle with his boys or get down on the floor and play cars or trains or ships or puzzles or whatever else you come up with to do. Your Daddy sets a good example for you and your brothers, because he loves Jesus, he loves your Mama, he loves his boys (and soon daughter), and he loves student ministry and students. In that order, which is the way it should be.

You also love church. Sundays and Wednesdays are your favorite days and you get so excited when you know its church time. Mr. David and Mrs. Eileen are your Sunday School teachers, and you run in each Sunday and give them a big, "Hi!" On Wednesdays, you are forever talking about how you like Mr. Josh and you sing the songs you learn in preschool choir with gusto. The latest is Zaccheus, and we've had fun telling him to come down out of that tree! And, of course, our sweet Mrs. Jones, who teaches you on Wednesday nights. You love each other and she loves to teach you and your friends about Jesus.

This year, you will get to start preschool! Ah!! I'm not sure if I'm ready for that just yet, but I know you will love it! Sometimes you still ask if you can go to school with Ayden, so I know that you'll be ready when its your turn next year. And, of course, you are so very smart!! I still think of you as my itty-bitty Landy-boy, but the truth is, you are getting to be a big boy and you are ready to do big boy things.

You have learned so much over the past year. You are (finally) potty trained; you can get undressed and help dress yourself; put on your shoes; identify shapes, colors, some numbers, and lots of letters; put together puzzles; draw circles; speak much more clearly; and so many other things, I can't even list them all!

Sometimes, you discipline yourself. Just today you had to sit in time out for dumping Camden's puzzle on the floor (time-outs are becoming more and more rare, though), and after you sat the appropriate time, we had our typical talk about why you had to sit there, being kind to our brothers, and then you apologized to Cam and gave him a hug. A few minutes later, I was busy working on housework and caught a glimpse of you....back in time out. You sat yourself down there for a few more minutes, and as I watched from around the corner, got back up to play when you were done. You've also been known to put yourself to bed if you get tired. We'll wonder where you are and go looking, and find you sound asleep in your bed.

Speaking of beds, you and your brothers just got new bunk beds. A full size on the bottom for you and Camden, and a twin on top for Ayden. You are all sharing a room now as we prepare for the arrival of Baby Girl Ball, but you are all handling the change very well. You like being in with your big brother, and he likes the company. The only downfall is that the three of you don't always go quickly to sleep at bedtime...but we'll keep working on that. ;)

Well, Landy, I hope you have a wonderful birthday. I hope you feel special and loved and cherished, because you are. Daddy, Mama, Ayden, and Camden love you sooo much. And, Jesus loves you even more than us!! I can't wait to see what the next year holds for you.


Monday, January 9, 2012

Things That Make Me Go Hmmm.....

Here are my random thoughts from today (mostly). Things that made me think something along the lines of, "Huh?!" or "What in the world?!"....

Opening my refrigerator and finding an Iron Man action figure.

Camden's response when I so sweetly asked him if he was arguing with his mama, "Uh, yes, I am."

Walking around the corner into the kitchen to a hunk of nastiness on the tile floor. Oh, no worries, its a chewed up grape that someone grew tired of.

Camden telling me, "Mama, I'm actually scared." As if the boy even knows the meaning of the word!

Landon's ability to make a different "chuffing" noise for every train on Thomas' Sodor Island.

Finding two day old milk...I'm being real here, people!! I'm sure you know what it looked like!

The repeated disappointment on Camden's face when I open the garage door and he comes running to see Daddy, only to find....just Mama.

The joyful ecstasy that results when Daddy actually DOES walk in the door. Hello? Remember me? The one who changed your poopy diaper and wiped your nasty nose and let you watch Elmo for the love of Pete???? (Just kidding...I'm glad they love their Daddy and I know they love me, too. And, it really is something to see)

Ayden's fascination with adding the words "poop" and "pee" to nearly every sentence he utters.

My own musings that maybe I should let Camden stay in diapers forever rather than taking on a new potty training battle when the last one is still etched so freshly in my memory.

Thanks for coming along. Welcome to my crazy life. Some days it makes me crazy, but for the most part, I'm glad there's never a dull moment!! :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ayden's 6th Birthday

Dear Ayden,

Today you are six years old! I cannot believe it! It seems like just yesterday Daddy and I were bringing you home from the hospital. You are growing up so fast. But, you promised me that you would always be my little boy, no matter how old you are, so I am going to hold you to it.

This has been a big year for you because you started Kindergarten. I am amazed everyday at how well you are learning. Your reading just blows me away!! When Mama was teaching, I didn't even introduce these same concepts until the second half of first grade, but here you are, already reading like a champ just halfway through Kindergarten!! You sometimes say that you don't like school and don't want to go, but when you come home you are always excited and say that you had a good day. Mrs. Tracy is such a sweet teacher and has done such a wonderful job with your class this year.

You also learned this year that you were going to be a big brother...again. Surprise!! At first, you weren't all that excited about it. But, then, you said you guessed it would be okay to have another baby at our house...but you sure hoped it was a sister this time. I was holding my breath when it was time to hear the big news, but now we know that a sweet little sister is on her way. I can't wait for her to meet you. You are the BEST biggest brother. You take such good care of your little brothers and you always look out for them and try to teach them by setting a good example. I know you will be the same way with your sister. She, and Landon and Camden, are lucky to have you.

You are still so tenderhearted. You've gotten big enough that you really don't get into trouble very often...but when you do, its usually for having an attitude with Mama and Daddy. You are always so brokenhearted to be in trouble that I usually feel guilty for even getting on to you. Just know that Daddy and I are working to train you up in the way you should go. You also tell me about things that make you sad, like when a friend has to leave school because they are sick, and especially how it makes you sad that Grammy and Poppy and all of our family in Missouri is so far away.

You are also so funny. You have always kept us entertained, even from the time you were a baby. I remember when you were just a month or so old, Grammy said that she couldn't even remember what we used to do for entertainment before you came along. You get the fun-loving side of your personality from Daddy. You act just like him (and that's a good thing!!). Although Daddy and I do NOT think we need to start the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing anytime soon, you have definitely been exposed to it some this year in school. A few months ago, you told me that so and so thought you should marry a certain girl from your class. I tried to play it cool and not totally freak out and give you the whole, "you-will-NOT-have-a-girlfriend-for-at least-the-next-27-years" talk. So, I just casually said, "Well, it will probably still be a long time before you want to get married. But, when the time comes, you just need to find a girl that loves Jesus and loves you." And, that was that. Then, the next week after I picked you up from school, that same girl came up again in our conversation, and you said "Mama, when we are on the playground I keep asking her if she loves Jesus, and she just runs away from me!!" I have laughed at that so many times!

Recently, you have started shortening words... Camden is "Cams" and Landon "Lands". You like to snuggle under the "covs" with me and your "Dads" and sometimes even like to call "Grams" on the phone. Your Daddy and I have gotten quite a kick out of your new language!

You love to play with your Legos that you got for Christmas and you are in kid-love with The Avengers. Honestly, I had no idea that so many different superheroes even existed, but you know every single one under the sun (and above and beyond that, too) and what their power is. Mr. Rusty has loaded you up with some sweet Avengers posters for your bedroom that are the envy of most of the other boys (even Daddy!). You are very creative in the way that you play, and you also like to draw. Daddy says you just may grow up to be a movie director because you show us a piece of paper with what looks like random drawings and scribbles, but then you proceed to tell us exactly what is going on, with exact detail. Scribbles become bombs blowing up, people in the air are being flown away by the heroes, random lines are spiderwebs shooting or laser eyes firing...Its crazy because you always know every little detail about what and why you draw.

You are sometimes critical of yourself. I think its called being a perfectionist, and, unfortunately, I think you get that from your Mama. Daddy and I have tried to let you know that we are always proud of you when you try your hardest, even if that means something isn't perfect. You are the exact way that God made you, and we wouldn't have it any other way!!

I love you so very much, big boy!! I am so proud of you and that little man that you are becoming. It thrills me to hear you talk about Jesus, and I pray for the day that you understand about the sacrifice of His life on the cross in order to pay for our sins and allow us eternal life with Him in heaven. I can't wait to see all of the things you will do for the Lord in your life and the ways you will serve Him.

You are precious to me.
There is no one like you.
You are the perfect fit for our family.
I love you to the moon and back times infinity.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012


A friend loves at all times.... Prov. 17:17a

Friends. I have struggled in the area of friendship for most of my life. I would have some great friends for a few years, but then, for various reasons, we went our separate ways. Maybe we no longer had classes together. Maybe we were no longer interested in the same things. Maybe our lives went in different directions. Maybe one or both of us moved. Whatever the reason, friends have been something that have come and gone in my life; yet something that I so deeply desired was deep, lasting, meaningful friendships.

Throughout my married years (which also, coincidentally, includes all of my adult years), the Lord has taught me many lessons about friendship. What it means to be a good friend. What it means to have good friends. The importance of having Christ as the center of a friendship. Even the fact that its okay to have a small group of close friends.

I have come to understand how blessed I am with friends. When Jesse and I sensed God's call to pack up our family and move 1,000 miles away from everyone and everything we knew, I was terrified that I would never again have friends. But, I do. Lots of them and all to His glory.

One of them I call my Mama. We have always been close and for the most part, even avoided all the typical pitfalls common to mother-daughter relationships during the teenage years. But, as I have become a wife and a mom, our bond has strengthened. She is the person I know I can talk to about anything and know that she is praying and will give Godly advice...in addition to just listening. And, in some crazy way, I think being so far away has given us even a new appreciation for each other...that our time together is more precious and not to be taken for granted.

Two of them I call sisters. I remember thinking as a teenager that Heather and I would always love each other - because we had to, but we would probably NEVER like each other. In my eyes, she always copied everything I did, had to go everywhere I went, and would always be the one to get me in trouble. In her eyes, I'm sure she saw me for the bossy and selfish girl I was prone to be. But, we DID get over all that and we DO like each other. We even cry when we say good-bye!! :) We enjoy each other's company now and look forward to spending time together and with our sister Katie. Katie was always my little baby doll. Since I was seven years older, she thought I rocked and I could dress her pretty much any way I wanted. Now, I look to her for advice on what to wear and what goes together. She's still my baby sister, but she's now fully adult. I love her and her tender heart.

I have three friends that are sisters of my heart. They grabbed me the minute I set foot in Jacksonville and have been there with me and for me every step of the way. They have laughed and cried with me, encouraged and prayed for me, and been, truly, my sisters away from home. I know to expect a text (or 3) when I am leaving MO, letting me know that they are praying for my good-byes to family. I can expect a hug the moment they see me and hear from them how much my family in Florida has missed me. They love my children just like their own nephews (and nieces soon). They have rejoiced with me and they have mourned with me, and I thank the Lord that he placed them in my life so that the burden of being so far from home will be a little lighter.

Then there is the sweet young couple who have been and done everything we've needed them to since we've lived in Jacksonville. They have watched our boys, hung out with us, supported our ministry, and even gave me a special gift for Christmas this year of redoing my living room while we were gone. The crazy part is, I think they even enjoy it all! They are precious to us and another answer to prayer.

There are others who have stepped into our lives and loved us. Each of them are so special to us and make life away from family not just a countdown to the next visit, but a life - with ups and downs and twists and turns and the unforeseen and the planned and busyness and play time.

And I just wanted to say thank you.