Saturday, June 26, 2010

Camden's First Birthday

Dear Camden,
365 days ago, you came into our family. What a perfect addition you are!! Sweet brown eyes and full of smiles, you are such a good baby. You are usually in a good mood. You adore your big brothers, and follow them around all the time. You like to think that you can do anything that they do.
Your first year has been much different from Ayden's and Landon's. Three weeks before you were born, we moved from Missouri to Jacksonville, Florida. Before we came, I couldn't fathom how we would live our lives so far away from all of your grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. But, God has been so faithful to bring sweet people into our life that are just like family. They are your surrogate aunts, uncles, and cousins. They love you just like family, and we feel the same about them.
Grammy, Gigi, Nanny, Aunt Heather, Rylee, and Caleb are here celebrating your first birthday. They were worried that it might take you a day or two to warm up to them, since you know them the least. But, as soon as they walked in the door, you walked right up to them.
Tonight we had your birthday party at Mr. Johnny and Mrs. Tammy's house. There were lots of people there who love you and were excited to celebrate this special day with us. You liked the icing on your cake, but you didn't really care for the chocolate cake. You weren't feeling all that great, though, and by the end of the night you were ready to come home and crash.
You have a whole mouthful of teeth and you've been walking for about six weeks. Much earlier than your brothers did!!
You have the best little personality....although you've begun showing a little bit of a temper lately. I'm trying to teach you not to hit and not to grunt when something doesn't go your way. You are a serious thumb-sucker. You use it to go to sleep and to calm yourself when you get upset. You like to rock and snuggle and I love those times when we have a few quiet moments together. You say "da-da" a lot, but you can also say, "ma-ma(baba), thank you (tatu), bye-bye (buhbuh)." You wave bye-bye and make kissing noises. You are drinking milk from a cup almost all the time now, and you no longer have any interest in baby food, since you have had table food. You have incredibly fat feet, so its hard to find shoes that fit on your feet, but you have a couple of pairs of flip flops for the summer and they look very cute on you. You are in size 3 diapers and 12-18 mos. clothes. You and Landon wear the same size diapers and you are only one size behind him in clothes.
We moved to a house, leaving the apartment, about three weeks ago. You and Landon are sharing a room. You both do a good job sleeping in there, but neither of you like to play in there. You almost always play in Ayden's room. I guess you all don't like the "baby" toys as much as the trains and cars and Lincoln Logs and action figures. You got some great noise-making toys as birthday presents and you've played with all of them tonight. Now, you are in your bed, which is crammed with two extra pack and plays, sleeping as contentedly as babies do. Sometimes, I like to go in, put the blankets back on top of you and smooth your sweet little brown (with a touch of red) baby curls.
I love you so much, my sweet sweet boy. But, I want you to know as you grow, that as much as mommy and daddy love you, there is One who loves you even more. Jesus. The very One who gave His life in order for you to live. He loves you and He has an incredible plan for your life. I wonder when you will accept His gift of salvation? How old will you be? How will it change you? How will He use you as you grow? As much as I don't want these days of babyhood to pass, I can't wait to discover the answers to these questions. I love you baby boy!! Sweet dreams!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Its hot. Really hot. Like, cooking eggs on a sidewalk hot. So hot that sitting by the boys' little kiddie pool isn't even relaxing. So hot that I feel like taking three showers a day. So hot that even walking outside causes me to break a sweat.

When I think about how hot and uncomfortable I'm feeling, its usually followed by another thought. I'm thirsty. Really, really thirsty. Thirsty for a big glass of cold water. I've been thirsty a lot this week. Which has made me think.

How thirsty am I for the Lord? Do I long for a long drink from His word? Do I find refreshment after filling myself with Him? Does He bring me satisfaction? Is He the only One who can truly quench my thirst?

I know what my answer is. He's brought me to the place where only He satisfies. I can't get enough. When I get a taste, it leaves me longing for more. I'm so thankful for this season in my walk with Him.

So, I'll leave you with this thought.

Are you thirsty?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hello, June

I can't believe it is already June 2010! We left Missouri on June 1st last year, and arrived, here, at our new home on June 3rd. We settled in to apartment life and found a new routine. Now, on Friday, exactly one year and one day (that's 366 days) we are leaving our apartment and moving into a house. We are incredibly grateful that for the place God provided for us to live this past year, but are equally grateful to be living in a house once again. We will have a small backyard for the boys to play in. And a garage so I can unload groceries without having to lock the boys in the apartment while I make 72 trips back and forth. Needless to say, we are busy packing and cleaning and sorting and all of the other fun things that go along with moving.

Its been a whirlwind of a year, full of both challenges and blessings. I'm amazed when I look back at all God has done for us this year! We have been so blessed by great friends who have become our family-away-from-family. We count ourselves lucky to know each of them! We also have some of the most incredible students ever!! I find it to be such a privilege to teach the 8th and 9th grade girls Sunday School class, and enjoy the time I get to spend with ALL of the students!

Okay, well, I need to get back to packing. Stay tuned for pics of the new digs in the next few days!!