Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Newest Craze

So, lots of kids go through phases with toys and other things that entertain them.

The boys love:

Thomas, Cars, Toy Story, trains, cars, swords, blocks, Despicable Me, Shrek 3,

and their new, latest, favorite thing:


I don't get it, but they love it. When they hear the music start playing, all three come running. Landon and Ayden chime in just in time to say, "THIS isssss Jeopardy!!" Then Landon says, "Mama, Daddy, dance!!" And then the show proceeds to keep their attention fairly well for the next 30 min.
Here they are enjoying it:

Tonight, Ayden had just gotten out of the bathtub and was sidetracked by Jeopardy on his way to his room for pjs. He sat in the floor, staring up at the tv. When he heard the clue, he had his answer ready: "What is....underwear?"

He heard Alex say, "No, thats incorrect."

Not to be deterred, he tried again: "What is....underwear is a good thing?"

Jesse and I are still laughing.

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