Monday, June 20, 2011


Here are few of the latest "Aydenisms" - cute little things that our oldest says (well, we think they're cute anyway).

...When trying to explain why he can't clean his own room: "But, Mama, I'm just a small little boy."

...Having a discussion about football with me: "Hey, Mama, why does my Daddy like football so much?" Me: "I don't know, buddy. He just does." Ayden: "It's probably because I like it so much!"

...When praying for Poppa to feel better as he continues to recover from cancer treatments: "Help Poppa get lots of good extercise in his new pool, and help GiGi make him some soup, and help someone to come play checkers wif him, because if he plays checkers, then he will feel better."

...His response to Daddy asking him to go play with his brothers so Mama and Daddy can talk without interruption for a few minutes. Jesse: "Hey, buddy, go play in your room with Landon and Camden. They need you to teach them how to play together, and share, and play with big boy toys." Ayden: "But, Daddy, I already did all that today."

...When Jesse was in the backyard, being our hero and spraying to rid our yard of the ants that had taken over, Ayden started a chant that his brothers quickly joined in on: "Go, Daddy, Go Daddy, Go Daddy, You can do it, Kill the ants!!"

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