Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pushing My Buttons

Grr.... That's me making a guttural noise similar to growl. Sometimes, being a mommy is hard work. There is one thing that Ayden does occasionally that pushes my buttons like nothing else. I had to discipline him for that thing last night. Part of his punishment was going to bed as soon as he'd eaten dinner. Consequently, he was up early this morning....and made sure everyone else was up as well. Now Mr. 'Tude is seriously pushing his limits again this morning with sassy responses and an ugly attitude. Seems like he does this every time someone from Missouri visits us or we visit them. I know deep down in his little heart that he really misses them....and that I can tell him we'll see them again in 3 weeks, and even make him a paper chain to count down the days...but he really isn't old enough to understand yet. So, while we weather the current storm, I'll pray that his almost 4 year old heart can understand in some way why so much in his world has changed. And, I'll cherish the moments (which are much more numerous than disobedient ones, by the way) when he wraps his little arms around my neck, gives me a kiss, and says "I love you Mama." And, even though I should start cleaning house, my little man is now asking me to sit on the couch and get "covered up" with can I resist?

1 comment:

  1. Cassie, have you thought about making him a photo book?? You could get picture of all the people he misses and put them together in a book so he could flip through it anytime he wanted too.. So that way he will feel that they are always with him?? I know you can get them at for good prices and sometimes real cheap when they are doing promotions... You could also do one with him.. It might make things a little easier.. :)
